Edenvale Bowling Club

About Edenvale Bowling Club

Subject Date
Street address 167 6th Avenue, Edenvale
Postal address PO Box 63, Edenvale
Telephone 011 452 6799
GPS E 28°08’36” S 26°07’43”
Map Directions
Website address https://www.edenvalebowls.co.za
Email address secretary@edenvalebowls.co.za
Additional information Take the N3 Linksfield off ramp, at the traffic light at the end of the off ramp turn to go to Edenvale. Turn left into at the traffic light into First Avenue (the traffic light is the first after Edenvale High School). Follow First Avenue through the dip and turn right at the four way stop into Short Street. Follow Short Street to the T junction, turn left and immediately right into Eleventh Street. Follow Eleventh Street to the first four way Stop and turn right into Sixth Avenue and the entrance to the club is directly ahead.


Official Title Name Mobile email Address
President Gordon May 072 566 5783 gordon@nexusifp.co.za
Secretary Dorothy McInnes 072 954 7772 secretary@edenvalebowls.co.za
Treasurer Yvonne Ferreira 084 609 4366 yvonnefsa@outlook.com