Reading CC Bowls

About Reading CC Bowls

Subject Date
Street address 40 Fore Street, New Redruth, Alberton
Postal address PO Box 18, Alberton
Telephone 011 907 8906
GPS E 28°06’26” S 26°15’56”
Map Directions
Website address
Email address  
Additional information Follow the N3 south and branch to the right on to the N17 after the cement factory. Take the next exit which is Alberton/Voortrekker Road. At the traffic light at the end of the off ramp turn left into Voortrekker Road. Proceed along this road to the first traffic light and turn right to Ring Road west. Follow this road to the second traffic light and turn right into Fore Street and continue along Fore Street through to two four way stops and proceed through a circle to a boom immediately after which the club entrance is on the right.


Official Title Name Mobile email Address
President Corrie de Villiers 083 628 1719
Secretary Heatherlee Boyd 083 302 6001
Treasurer Barbara Ashkettle 011 907 1379